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Zandali slang and swears

This list was originally composed by Zanick as a way to spice up language beyond the classic zandali accent. First posted on the old forums in october 2007.

The names in the examples have not been altered from the original list, and include plenty of people who were of importance to the Heritage at the time.


A Zandali slang word for an intimate male body part. (Males usually have two of them.) According to Zilzibin, who has forgotten more about troll history in his long life than the rest of us will probably ever know, the slang term drakscomes from the Zandali word draaksa, meaning 'grapes'. The 'drak' part of Drakkari, Zul'Drak and Gun'Drak almost certainly comes from a different root word because it doesn't have the 's' sound after it.

Example - A female troll convinces Djinja to lend her some gold, promising to pay him back later, but Zanick doubts he will ever see his money again. 

"Hey, mon. She wouldn't have tricked you if you'd been tinkin' wiv your head instead o' your draks." 



Zandali word for tusks (singular is 'dazan'). 'To have the tusks' is used to mean the same as 'to have the courage' to do something.

Example - Gando reassures the others in the guild who are worried that Shadow will try to carry out his threats against him.

"Don't worry. He 'asn't got the d'zana to attack me openly."



Someone who isn't the sharpest sword in the armoury. An unintelligent person.

Example - Your party decides to travel from Orgrimmar to Undercity to go adventuring in Shadowfang Keep. The orc warrior, arriving late, accidentally takes the zeppelin to Grom'gol by mistake. 

"What a ja'da! It's already sunset an' we'll hav ta waste even more time waitin' for 'im to catch up."



A Zandali word for a noxious insect, used to describe any horrible creature. Being compared to one is not a compliment.

Example - A Forsaken with glowing eyes keeps pestering you to give him some gold. 

"Get away from me, you rotting offspring of a jillik!"


A scoundrel; a villainous, wicked person.

Example - Beastmaster Bwangoo inspects the logbook for the guild account at the bank in Orgrimmar and finds out that Dagooto has been stealing gold. 

"Vekk it! Dat kazmal has been stealin' from us fo' months! He'd betta hope I nevah catch up wid 'im . . ."



A derogatory slang word for a troll who has abandoned traditional troll ways and acts like an orc. It comes from the Zandali word for wolf cub. Any troll who lives in an orc settlement, hardly ever speaks Zandali and knows little about the Loa is likely to be considered a kizork.



Zandali slang for breasts.

Example - An orc in the Orgrimmar auction house has been staring at Zanick for some time, and she's finally become annoyed. 

"Hey, green-skin! Stop starin' at my ku'ca or I'll come over dere and slap you so hard you'll be pickin' your tusks out of da wall." 



A Zandali word for an inexperienced or foolish person.

Example - A tauren recruits you to help him fight his way through the Cathedral in the Scarlet Monastery, but when you get there he admits he can't find the key to the Cathedral gates. 

"You vekking murka, Blackhorn! Now we has ta go lookin' for da key!" 



An old Zandali word meaning the Nether. It is roughly equivalent to the word 'Hell'.

Example - Zanick is following a companion who is leading the way through a dungeon he says he knows well, when they drop down into a deep foul-smelling stream.

"Where in naraka have you led us, you murka? Dere's vask up to my ku'ca and dere's no vekking way to get out!"


Insult implying that a person has loose morals or is of negotiable affection.

Example - Zanick is trying to get some information from Doyo'da in Gryshka's Inn in Orgrimmar when he wanders outside to watch the dancing of a scantily-clad female troll, to Zanick's annoyance. 

"I can't believe he's chasin' after dat skinny little puccha! She's leadin' 'im around by the draks!" 

( A stronger word than 'puccha' is 'zuni', which means a female dog.)



A noun that means excrement. Vask is used to describe something that is unpleasant or worthless.

Example - A troublesome guild-mate tells you that he has been given special voodoo powers by the High Priest of a long-lost tribe of trolls.

"Hah! Dat is da biggest cart-load of vask I ever heard."



One of the most versatile words in the Zandali language. Vekk actually means crooked, dishonourable, but it is used as an expletive for all occasions.

Example - In Uldaman, the over-confident orc warrior in your party charges forward into a room and is attacked by seven dwarves at the same time. In the battle that follows everyone in the party comes close to being killed.

"Vekk! What the vekk are you doin', mon? You almos' got us killed, you vekking piece of vask." 



Zandali word for a girl child or young woman. It is sometimes used (mostly by male trolls) to mean an inexperienced and unskilled woman who should stick to tending the cooking fire and not get involved in important matters.

Example - An old troll is told by Urtrun Clanbringer that the Heritage has a new leader.

"Pahh! Do dey really t'ink some zizu can lead a guild o'trolls?"



Slang word for Forsaken. It comes from a Zandali word meaning bone-dry.

Example - "Psst, Djinja. Don't trust dis zuska, 'e's a follower of Archnazg."

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